Below are the gift books that tell the background story of each ancient tree that makes up this range.
The Oak, Moreton Bay Fig and Snow Gum in Australia, Baobab in Africa, Banyan in Mauritius, Rainbow Gum in Hawaii, Pagoda in China and Olive in Greece. Each gift book holds the wisdom of each respective tree.
'Imagine if trees had voices. If, just like humans, they felt, observed and experienced life. Imagine if they were the keepers of secrets, including the mysteries of life itself. What if they held the key to unlock deep wisdom? If, through human hearts, their language could be heard, felt and recorded.'
Available as Paperback Books (revised edition coming soon), Audio CD's and Tree Alchemy Oils and Potions as well as Gift Cards.
Rainbow Gum’s Gift is the channelled teachings of one of Earth’s great Sisters. The wise...